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Convergence a certified hubspot partner

Your Local Companies Need More Talented Employees.


We'll help you attract talented workers to move to your community.


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How it's done.

Our competitors will sell you a website linked to indeed.com but they won't focus on Leads. And they can't prove ROI. 

What you need...

  • We'll help you craft a Strategy that is tested, refined, and improved over time. The strategy is tailored to your community's strengths and story.

  • You must know how to target your audience. Do you know  how to find and target millennials with a boomerang persona? We do. Gen Z? Military members in transition?  We do.

  • Activate the right marketing tools - operating inside of a well orchestrated campaign that generates inbound leads from talent.

  • Marketing automation intelligently attracts and connects with talent leads for you during their buyer's journey.

  • Get our EASY CRM to track and build relationships with inbound, talented workers (and with employers too)

  • A job board that is part of your website - stop sending website visitors to another site where you lose 'em. Don't send traffic to indeed.com

  • Marketing Campaigns, Calls to Action, Offers and Incentives.

  • Create your concierge service - tap volunteers - develop a welcome committee (ideally all 3)

  • You'll need a workforce profile of your major employers - we call this the "demand picture"

  • Affordable Housing. Child Care. Jobs. Entertainment. Education. Opportunity. 

  • Sell the community lifestyle.

Strategy. Resonate. Execute. Achieve Results. Every community is unique.  Every community has a story. We must amplify your magnetism to attract new citizens.

It's a fact.

You're going to need to tell inspiring and compelling stories to get individuals to pack up and move. You will need to understand buyer persona's and what their journey looks like. Your job is to be the guide so they can be the hero in your story. (Buyers Journey - Personas - Storytelling).  

 If the terms "guide" and "story" resonate with you, we've got expert marketers that have mastered this marketing methodology for this specific purpose. Your website must embrace this methodology.

You've got to define and find ways to reach your target audience. Fortunately, we know how to do this. We offer a workshop that results in a customized, 90 day game plan built for you.  We will give you a fresh take on how to drive and track better results.

Go beyond vanilla (big agency) metrics.

  • web page views and website traffic
  • time on page
  • number of downloads

Start measuring...

  • connects
  • subscribers
  • videos content consumed
  • chat's and lead conversions
  • assistance provided 
  • move in's (this is the ultimate goal)
  • trips, tours and submissions

4. You'll need to create ads, social media posts, content and a website (HubSpot CMS or we can use your existing site) that get people's attention so you can get them on a buyer's journey. Yep. Moving to your community is indeed, a buyer's journey.

5. We believe in capturing contact info and nurturing contacts along their buyers journey.  High level website traffic numbers from google analytics are not enough. Consider offering a Concierge Service.  

HubSpot marketing automation kicks into high gear, gradually leading people to the point where they visit, tour, and start considering your community. You'll want to get to know the individuals moving here at some point so that you can track Conversions and attribute newcomers to your campaigns and to the marketing spend.

Consider using a Searchable Online Portal designed to help outsiders get to know your community.

Consider offering a job board - we have one that is automated - don't just "connect to Indeed.com" - we've seen others do this and it's a disaster.

If tracking and measuring ROI is important to you.. you'll want custom reports that track your success and engagement

We can help.

Schedule a Call

We Provide the Following: 

  • Marketing Strategy & Services 
  • HubSpot's Marketing + CRM Software
  • Website content, structure, search optimization
  • Targeted ads "beyond the cookie"
  • Social Strategies to "connect"
  • Survey tools built into HubSpot
  • A "talent attraction" software toolset tailored for your team and for your community

We'll help you target the right audience in a number of new and creative ways.

We will increase the quality and number of website visitors.

Visitors engage with your website and marketing tools (email, social, etc.) and we nurture them and support them on their journey to find a better home.

The CRM captures contact data, scores engagement, tracks all support provided and a win is recorded when we know that the individual moved to your area.  

Unlike other marketing agencies selling your brand, story and exposure - we track actual, real world results. 

We generate reports showing your reach, engagement and success.

3 Steps to Success

Step 1: Call or Book a meeting with us(Contact Us)  

Step 2: Share information about your community - we'll analyze the results and do some homework for you before step 3.

Step 3: Participate in a 1 hour Talent Attraction Workshop - We return with a detailed, 90 day action plan.  Then - hire us, do the work on your own, or both!

We understand

You love your community and want to succeed. 

You've got employers that are invested in your success. The employers need workers to grow and make a profit. You can attract new companies but if you don't have the workforce with the right talent - you're in trouble.

Moving is a big deal. It's a big decision and the buyer's journey is not typically "quick". Relationships matter.

Some communities are offering CASH. What can you offer?

Cash is temporary. A better life - quality of life - lifestyle is forever.

To succeed...

You'll need to be a master marketer. 

You'll want to use Inbound Marketing Strategies and track leads and lead conversions.

You'll need to know how to appeal to and resonate with your target market.

Get an outside perspective.

Play the long game. 

Use social media to your advantage. 

Encourage road trips to your community.

Create trackable, meaningful metrics. 


Step 1: Call or Book a meeting with Tom Wengler (Contact Us)  

Step 2: Share information about your community - we'll analyze the results and do some homework for you.

Step 3: Participate in a 1 hour Talent Attraction Workshop - We return with a detailed, 90 day action plan.  Then - hire us, do the work on your own, or both!